About Test

About the Center for Community Transitions

The Center for Community Transitions (CCT), formerly ECO, Inc. has been a part of the community solution to crime in our area for over 40 years. Everyday people receive reentry and family services from CCT to rebuild their lives and families while dealing with job and financial difficulties that result from incarceration.


The Center for Community Transitions is a non-profit organization with a mission to strengthen our community by helping people with criminal records and their families find a healthier and more productive way of living.

Our work provides employment and transition services; supports alternatives to incarceration; and restores and strengthens family bonds.


  • Return individuals to their family and our community as law-abiding citizens and reengage them as parents, employees and neighbors.
  • Break the cycle of recidivism and of intergenerational criminal justice involvement.
  • Advocate for social justice changes in the system that eliminates barriers and obstacles to full restoration of citizen rights.
  • Strengthen families affected by incarceration.

Who We Serve

CCT serves any person who has had an encounter with the criminal justice system, and families impacted by incarceration.

What We Do

CCT meets its mission through these programs and Initiatives:

  • LifeWorks! provides practical training, employment seeking assistance, help in defining personal values and assist with making thinking and behaviors better match those values. Please see the LifeWorks! page for more information.
  • The Center for Women is a 30-bed residential program for women who are still incarcerated and eligible to participate in a reentry program. The reentry program assist with transition planning and action plans including employment, family reunification, housing and other individual needs.

Affiliations & Community Partnerships

  • United Way of Central Carolinas
  • North Carolina Department of Public Safety
  • NC Center for Nonprofits
  • Reentry Partners of Mecklenburg
  • Mecklenburg County
  • Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
  • Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
  • American Correctional Association
  • Workforce Development Partners
  • Homeless Services Network
  • Second Harvest Food Bank
  • Goodwill of the Southern Piedmont
  • Changed Choices
  • Crisis Assistance Ministry
  • Loaves and Fishes


For more than four decades, we've assisted individuals and families throughout the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community who have been impacted by incarceration, while also serving as a thought leader on re-imagining justice.

In the early 1970s, a North Carolina Department of Correction intern presented a white paper on reducing recidivism by helping people find employment and housing when released from prison. Research at that time - and still today - cites employment as a way to reduce recidivism. From that document, NCDOC applied for an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) grant to help inmates transition from prison to the Charlotte community.

CCT has grown from serving 100 people annually to serving 1,500-plus while operating with 23 full-time employees and a $1.7 million annual budget. Learn more about our history.

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