CCT’s Patrice Funderburg Celebrated as “Unsung Hero” in 40 Over 40 Award

“Building People, Not Prisons” isn’t just the Center for Community Transitions tagline. It’s how Executive Director Patrice Funderburg models her path to leading transformative change within the Charlotte community — lowering recidivism, improving access and opportunities to sustainable employment, and disrupting the generational cycle of poverty to prison.
The Charlotte Ledger recognized Patrice among “local unsung heroes aged 40+ who are doing great things in our community.” The digital publication revealed the 2021 class of 40 Over 40 Award recipients in a special online presentation Monday.
Winners were “chosen by a distinguished panel of under-40 judges, who reviewed many impressive nominations — awe-inspiring and thought-provoking stories of innovators and problem-solvers who toil humbly to lift others up, or find gaps in systems and work to fill them.”
“All of Charlotte should be impressed with the stellar work this group is doing,” said Tony Mecia, executive editor of The Charlotte Ledger. “Through a tough year, they are shining examples of what is right with Charlotte. People of our generation don’t do what they do because of public attention. But we should still recognize their many and mighty contributions to improving our city for everyone who lives here.”
Read Patrice’s nomination submission.
Watch the announcement video highlighting 40 people over age 40 who are doing incredible work to make our community a better place.
(See Patrice at the 5:21 mark.)