CCT heads to state capital for Second Chance Lobby Day

Center for Community Transitions staff and supporters joined 1,000-plus members of the NC Second Chance Alliance at the 2019 Second Chance Lobby Day May 7 at the NC General Assembly. The statewide alliance is made up of people with criminal records, their family members, service providers, congregations, community leaders and concerned citizens who have come together to address the causes of criminal records and the barriers they create to successful reentry.
Lobby Day attendees supported:
1. A Fair Chance policy for public employment and occupational licensing that facilitates fair
consideration of an applicant’s criminal history.
2. Clean Slate reforms that expand access to criminal record expungement.
3. Investments in education, treatment and other reentry-focused programs in jails and prisons as
well as community-based reentry services, including local reentry councils.
4. Elimination of unaffordable criminal court costs and common-sense limitations on driver’s
license suspensions for failure to pay traffic court costs.
5. Judicial discretion for mandatory minimums and funding for Drug Courts.
6. Resolving all pending charges and orders for arrest prior to release from prison.
Want to learn more about how you can help? Check out these resources
Overview of the “Second Chance” bills introduced during the 2019-20 legislative session
Case for Drug Sentencing Reform in North Carolina
Support the Second Chance Act