Friday Feels: Center for Women resident virtually attends daughter’s graduation

One of our Center for Women (CFW) residents got to experience something extraordinary today – her daughter’s Navy graduation.
She watched the ceremony via live stream, something she wouldn’t have been able to do in a traditional prison environment. She even got to see and talk to her daughter immediately after the ceremony, telling her, “You look good, baby. You were carrying that flag better than anyone!”
The Center for Women is a 30-bed residential program for women serving the final 12 to 36 months of their prison sentence. It was created to help women successfully transition from prison to their family and community while upholding the standards of the NC Department of Public Safety.
Women who are eligible to participate in our reentry program get assistance with transition planning and action plans including employment, family reunification, housing and other individual needs.
Since 2016, 90% of former residents have not been rearrested (as of June 30, 2018). In 2018, 49 women found employment, 3 pursued higher education and 51 participated in LifeWorks! employment readiness workshops.
The family-friendly building is set up much like a dormitory, where residents are given a variety of opportunities that those in a traditional prison don’t get. When a woman arrives at the facility, she’s put on track to gain employment in the community, which we believe is the most vital key to success upon reentry.
“This is a perfect example of how the Center for Women provides the tools necessary to reconnect our residents with their families,” said Delilah Montalvo, program director. “What a beautiful moment we all experienced today. This is why we do what we do!”